Tag Archives: post-graduation

5 things I learned in my first job out of college

8 Oct

For all of you soon-to-be grads out there, please read carefully! While my personal situation may be very different, it is so important to be evaluative of yourself and your circumstances in order to properly succeed and also prepare for your future. And for you seasoned employees giggling at my entry-level naivete…enjoy!

1. I don’t know it all

•It occured to me on my first day that I didn’t know squat. When I was a senior in college there was a sense of confidence and security. But college can be a bubble; a false sense of reality. Transitioning into a corporate setting was a smack in the face reminding me, “you’re just getting started, kid!” Instead of sulking about being the newb, I asked questions about computer programs I’d never used, acronyms that didn’t sound familiar and the hierarchical organizational structure that seemed so foreign to me.

Advice → Don’t be too shy to ask questions. Accept the bountiful knowledge your superiors have, even if they don’t know how to copy/paste on Word.

2. I have a lot to offer

•Although I don’t know it all, I know something. Because of the era in which I grew up, I have knowledge that seems brilliant to some of my coworkers. Although I was never boastful about my skills, I made sure they were known at the right time. If a coworker was struggling with a spreadsheet, I casually offered advice or help. Soon, when someone was having trouble with Microsoft Office, I was the go-to gal. Things I never thought would set me apart, really benefited me here.

Advice → Make sure your confidence is not cockiness. No one wants help from the know-it-all. After all, they could Google it. Take pride in the skills you have, even if they seem like second nature to you.

3. Everyone wastes time at work

•Spending eight or more hours in front of a computer can be hard on the eyes, painful on the tush, and bad for the brain! Once the excitement of a new job died down, I found myself thinking about other things while at work – laundry, bills, weekend plans, that new movie coming out. I overheard recreational conversations, noticed people huddling around the copier, and could almost hear the Candy Crush Saga theme on phones. But the productivity wasn’t down. In fact, we were doing quite well. Everyone needs a little bit of an outlet. Read up on the interesting history of the 8-hour work day!

Advide → Don’t WASTE time. Use that extra five minutes before beginning a task to make a list of groceries or to make dinner plans. Be productive!

4. Drama did not end in high school

•The workplace just might have even more drama than high school did. Can you believe it? With all the different personalities coming from different educational backgrounds, drama is bound to work its way in and infect the office.

Advice → Remain neutral. Try not to get involved. Try not to contribute to drama.

5. A smile goes a long wayone-happy-face

•I’m not exactly the most chipper person around but I do smile often, even when I’m having an off day. I realized smiling helps when a coworker asked me “Did you finish that contact list?” I replied, “Not yet but I’m almost done.” His silence was unnerving…but he followed with, “I’ll let you get away with it this once because you’re the only person who smiles at everyone in the hallway.”

Advice → Smile…even when it hurts. A smile says a lot about your attitude as an employee, a coworker, a subordinate, a leader. You can also get a raise for it!

An Informal Offer: The Struggle

13 Sep

As if job searching in today’s tech-crazed world and in this job market weren’t already confusing as hell, I’ve come across yet another difficulty! Or should I say awkward situation?

Recall a few posts ago when I revealed my potential move to Morgantown, WV. The only thing I needed was a job…and a dresser! Wonderful news: the job has finally come my way! After traveling 6 hours to WV from NJ to interview for the position, I got a call four days later. Yay!

So what’s the issue? The offer remains informal. The HR rep said, “We would like to offer you the position, pending a background check. Once that is complete, we will schedule your start date.” Needless to say, I am thrilled. This job is perfect for me and it would really jumpstart my career. I’m so ready! But as I anxiously wait for the information to process, I’ve found myself obsessing over anything and everything about the hiring process.

♦What if I fail the background check?
♦3-5 business days – but it’s been 7! What’s going on?
♦I have more questions. Should I contact HR? Or my future boss?
♦My current job doesn’t require 2-weeks notice. When should I tell my current boss?

The list goes on. I can’t stop thinking about what this all means for my job and my life. However, I can’t really make any decisions until the offer is formal and final. This is what we call

The Struggle

I did some research and found some great insight on what to do and how to feel in this situation. Isn’t the internet a beautiful place? Here’s what I found:

Responding over the phone

Don’t make life changes YET

Don’t jump the gun, they’ll understand

In the meantime, I’ve been secretly designing a moving announcement to keep myself busy. Hoping for some good news SOON!

Anyone else have stories about informal/contingent job offers? OR anyone have suggestions while I wait? I’d love to hear from you♥

post-graduation return

6 Aug

Greetings! My apologies for the lack of content from your Average Honey. Post-graduation life has been hectic and mundane all at the same time. How even…?

Let me explain.

Never in one million years did I think that I’d miss college as much as I do just three months after graduation. The stress, the crazy hours, the lazy classmates, the occasional careless professor…I’d take it all back in a heartbeat over my Monday-Friday, 9-5.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my job. I am so thankful for the opportunity and the doors it has opened and so grateful to have a well-paid, full-time job right out of college. But it was a harsh slap in the face from reality.

Now that the post-graduation depression has passed, I’m now accepting the lifestyle of a typical 22-year-old recent grad. I’m getting quite comfortable, too! I recently purchased a brand new car solely in my name, acquired car insurance, and have been looking at apartments (affordable ones, of course. AKA cheap). I built a monthly budget based on my salary and even planned for those dreadful student loans quickly approaching like dark horses. november, NOVember, NOVEMBER!

Since life has become so routine, I find myself thinking, constantly thinking. My brain runs miles a minute like flash cards in fast-motion. I think about my future, my family, money, pets, shopping, my career goals, everything! It is hard to keep up.

Know what that means?

I’m back!


today was meaningful

thoughts, life lessons, and days full of meaning.


Media talk from the post-grad point of view

Gen Y Girl

Twentysomething. Annoyed with corporate BS. Obsessed with Gen Y. Not bratty. Just opinionated.

Fast Company

Planner. Organization Enthusiast. Coffee Lover. Dreamer.